BlueSoleil is not only a Bluetooth driver, but also the most easy-to-use, innovative, interoperable and widely accepted Bluetooth software. It can help you to easily connect to your Bluetooth devices.
But unfortunatly, BlueSoleil conflicts with Sun SPOT.
If you fortunatlly have too things together, you will find that the ANT script will take too long to find Sun SPOT connected from USB port. This problem stacked me and I wast a lot of time to sovle this. The following below is the printout from ANT script:
Buildfile: C:\Program Files\Sun\SunSPOT\sdk\build.xml
[echo] WARNING: Using the port specified in the
[echo] "port" property without any checks.
[echo] We recommend setting the "spotport" (rather
[echo] than the "port") property to enable features
[echo] like interactive selection of another valid
[echo] port if the specified port is unavailable.
[java] SPOT Client starting...(It will take a long time to process to next step!)
[java] [waiting for reset]
[java] Local Monitor (purple-071018)
[java] SPOT serial number = 0014.4F01.0000.0E90
[java] Application slot contents:
[java] C:\Program Files\Sun\SunSPOT\sdk\upgrade
[java] 24977 bytes
[java] last modified Tue Apr 01 00:22:02 EST 2008
[java] Startup:
[java] Squawk startup command line:
[java] -flashsuite:10800000
[java] -Xboot:268763136
[java] -Xmx:478000
[java] -Xmxnvm:128
[java] -dma:1024
[java] OTA Command Server is enabled
[java] Configured to run the built-in dummy application
[java] Library suite:
[java] hash=0xa2fb25
[java] Installed library matches current SDK library
[java] Installed library matches shipped SDK library
[java] Current SDK library matches shipped SDK library
[java] Security:
[java] Owner key on device matches key on host
[java] Configuration properties:
[java] spot.external.0.firmware.version: 1.9
[java] spot.external.0.hardware.rev: 5.0
[java] EDEMOBOARD_REV_0_2_0_0
[java] spot.hardware.rev: 5
[java] spot.ota.enable: true
[java] spot.powercontroller.firmware.version: PCTRL-1.79
[java] spot.sdk.version: purple-071018
[java] Exiting
Total time: 2 seconds(In conflicted environment, it will take more than one minutes to process~~~)
SPOT Command Completed!
I investigated this problem. I guess too many com ports are used by BlueSoleil. It is very difficult to locate the com port which Sun SPOT connected to. So the solution is Uninstall the damm BlueSoleil :)