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SunSPOT Application Template Updated

It seems some API has been changed, but the template file has not reflect these changes yet. Here is the latest template file:

* StartApplication.java
* Created on Oct 21, 2008 9:42:46 PM;

package org.sunspotworld;

import com.sun.spot.peripheral.Spot;
import com.sun.spot.sensorboard.EDemoBoard;
import com.sun.spot.sensorboard.peripheral.ISwitch;
import com.sun.spot.sensorboard.peripheral.ITriColorLED;
import com.sun.spot.util.*;

import javax.microedition.midlet.MIDlet;
import javax.microedition.midlet.MIDletStateChangeException;

* The startApp method of this class is called by the VM to start the
* application.
* The manifest specifies this class as MIDlet-1, which means it will
* be selected for execution.

public class StartApplication extends MIDlet {

private ITriColorLED [] leds = EDemoBoard.getInstance().getLEDs();

protected void startApp() throws MIDletStateChangeException {
System.out.println("Hello, world");
new BootloaderListener().start(); // monitor the USB (if connected) and recognize commands from host

// long ourAddr = RadioFactory.getRadioPolicyManager().getIEEEAddress();
long ourAddr = Spot.getInstance().getRadioPolicyManager().getIEEEAddress();

System.out.println("Our radio address = " + IEEEAddress.toDottedHex(ourAddr));

ISwitch sw1 = EDemoBoard.getInstance().getSwitches()[EDemoBoard.SW1];
leds[0].setRGB(100,0,0); // set color to moderate red
while (sw1.isOpen()) { // done when switch is pressed
leds[0].setOn(); // Blink LED
Utils.sleep(250); // wait 1/4 seconds
Utils.sleep(1000); // wait 1 second
notifyDestroyed(); // cause the MIDlet to exit

protected void pauseApp() {
// This is not currently called by the Squawk VM

* Called if the MIDlet is terminated by the system.
* I.e. if startApp throws any exception other than MIDletStateChangeException,
* if the isolate running the MIDlet is killed with Isolate.exit(), or
* if VM.stopVM() is called.
* It is not called if MIDlet.notifyDestroyed() was called.
* @param unconditional If true when this method is called, the MIDlet must
* cleanup and release all resources. If false the MIDlet may throw
* MIDletStateChangeException to indicate it does not want to be destroyed
* at this time.

protected void destroyApp(boolean unconditional) throws MIDletStateChangeException {
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {

Please note the 2 lines in bold. This bug only happens when you are using SunSPOTApplicationTemplate 1.8 with Purple SDK, in new Blue SDK, it is not a problem. This problem is because the API change.
