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Grid Resources Brokers

/* Keywords: Grid, Grid middle ware, Globus Toolkit, Gridway, Gridbus, Gridbus Broker, Nimrod/G, Grid Resource Broker */

Grid Resources Brokers Term Paper

I reserve all rights for this document. Cite it and email me for permission before use. Thank you for your co-operation :)

My email is dengpeng dot cn (at) gmail dot com.



日期:2005-11-29/ 来源:校报第14期 第4版





(信管系  02B11班 左冰洁



Term Paper: Processing High Volumes of Streaming Data 巨量数据流处理

/* keywords: Data Stream, Continuous Query Language, Data Stream Management System, 数据流, 连续查询语言, 数据流管理系统 */

433-654 Sensor Networks and Applications论文演讲幻灯片和论文。

Presentation slide:

Processing High Volumes of Streaming Data


Term paper:

Processing High Volumes of Streaming Data (Google Document)

Processing High Volumes of Streaming Data (PDF)


Opensource: Parallel Matrix Multiply

Requirements are here: http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/678/assignment2.html or http://www.csse.unimelb.edu.au/678/assignment2.html


Name: 433-678 Cluster and Grid Computing
Student Number: 263497
Author: Peng Deng
Login Name: pdeng
Date: 18-04-07 07:50

#include "mpi.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int Number_Of_Nodes, My_Rank, Source=0;

int Number_of_Elements = 0 ;
int Number_of_Rows = 0;
int Remainder;
int Remaind_Elements;

int i, j, k;

double StartTime, EndTime;

char Processor_Name[MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME];
int NameLength;

int * matrixA; //pointer to matrix A
int * matrixB; //pointer to matrix B
int * matrixC; //pointer to matrix C
int * matrixTemp;
int * matrixTempResult;

int * Data_Counts;
int * Data_Displs;

int size;
size=atoi(argv[1]); // The first argument of the program receives the size of matrices
/* NOTE: The MPICH NT 1.2.5 implementation is different from Linux distributation.*/
/* ONLY Rank = 0 can get the values from command line arguments in Linux distributation. But in mpich nt, every node has this value */

MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &Number_Of_Nodes);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &My_Rank);

MPI_Bcast (&size, 1,MPI_INTEGER,Source,MPI_COMM_WORLD); // In The MPICH NT 1.2.5, this line is not necessary

matrixA = (int *) malloc(size * size * sizeof(int)); // this matrix will be scatter to every nodes
matrixB = (int *) malloc(size * size * sizeof(int)); // This matrix will be broadcast to every nodes
matrixC = (int *) malloc(size * size * sizeof(int)); // this matrix will be gather to My_Rank==0 from every nodes

Data_Counts = (int *) malloc(Number_Of_Nodes * sizeof(int)); //int array. Every element in this array contains a value describe how many elements per node.
Data_Displs = (int *) malloc(Number_Of_Nodes * sizeof(int)); //int array. Every element in this array contains a value describe the offset related to matrixA

if(My_Rank == 0)
/* fill random number into matrix */
for (k=0; k<size*size; k++)

/* check the size and number of nodes in MPI_COMM_WORLD */
if(size % Number_Of_Nodes ==0)
Number_of_Rows = size / Number_Of_Nodes; // How many rows per node
Number_of_Elements = size * Number_of_Rows; // Length multiply width. How many elements per node
matrixTemp = (int *) malloc(Number_of_Elements * sizeof(int)); //Store elements in temp array from matrix A
matrixTempResult = (int *) malloc(Number_of_Elements * sizeof(int)); //Store result to temp array

for(i=0; i<Number_Of_Nodes; i++)
Data_Counts[i]=Number_of_Elements; // How many elements in the i node
Data_Displs[i]=i * Number_of_Elements; // The start offset of data which will be send to node i related to matrixA(send buffer)
/* Last node takes all remain rows */
Number_of_Rows = size / Number_Of_Nodes; // How many rows per node on average. For example, 8/3=2; 5/2=2; ......
Number_of_Elements = size * Number_of_Rows; // Length multiply width. How many elements per node on average
Remainder = size % Number_Of_Nodes; // How many rows remains. For example, 8%3=2; 5%2=1; ......
Remaind_Elements = size * Remainder; // How many elements remains
matrixTemp = (int *) malloc((Number_of_Elements + Remaind_Elements)* sizeof(int)); //Store elements from matrix A
matrixTempResult = (int *) malloc((Number_of_Elements + Remaind_Elements)* sizeof(int)); //Store result to temp array
for(j=0; j<Number_Of_Nodes-1; j++) // Fill properties of Number_Of_Nodes-1 nodes into int array.
Data_Counts[j]=Number_of_Elements; // How many elements in j node, j starts from 0 to Number_Of_Nodes-1. The last node is reserved.
Data_Displs[j]=j * Number_of_Elements; // The start offset of data which will be send to node i related to matrixA(send buffer)
//Deal with The last node
Data_Counts[Number_Of_Nodes-1]=Remaind_Elements + Number_of_Elements; // The last node take more workload to do -- Remaind_Elements
Data_Displs[Number_Of_Nodes-1]=(Number_Of_Nodes-1) * Number_of_Elements;

/* The difference number of rows to process on every node is restrict to 1 */
Number_of_Rows = size / Number_Of_Nodes; // How many rows per node on average. For example, 8/3=2; 5/2=2; ......
Number_of_Elements = size * Number_of_Rows; // Length multiply width. How many elements per node on average

Remainder = size % Number_Of_Nodes; // How many rows remains. For example, 8%3=2; 5%2=1; ......
Remaind_Elements = size * Remainder; // How many elements remains

matrixTemp = (int *) malloc((Number_of_Elements + size)* sizeof(int)); //Store elements from matrix A
matrixTempResult = (int *) malloc((Number_of_Elements + size)* sizeof(int)); //Store result to temp array

for(j=0; j<Remainder; j++) // Fill properties of first Number_Of_Nodes nodes into int array.
Data_Counts[j]=Number_of_Elements + size; // How many elements in j node, j starts from 0 to Remainder. Every node takes one more row from Remainder.
Data_Displs[j]=j * (Number_of_Elements + size); // The start offset of data which will be send to node i related to matrixA(send buffer)

for(i=Remainder; i<Number_Of_Nodes; i++) // Fill properties of latter nodes into int array.
Data_Counts[i]=Number_of_Elements; // How many elements in i node, i starts from Remainder to Number_Of_Nodes. These nodes take one less row compare to previous nodes.
Data_Displs[i]=Remainder * (Number_of_Elements + size) + (i - Remainder) * Number_of_Elements; // The start offset of data which will be send to node i related to matrixA(send buffer)

MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); // Wait untill all nodes reach this point

StartTime=MPI_Wtime(); // Start time recorded

/* Broadcast matrix B */
MPI_Bcast (matrixB, size*size,MPI_INTEGER,Source,MPI_COMM_WORLD);

/* Scatter matrixA to nodes */
MPI_Scatterv(matrixA, Data_Counts, Data_Displs, MPI_INTEGER, matrixTemp, Data_Counts[My_Rank], MPI_INTEGER, Source, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

/* Do computation matrixTempResult = matrixTemp * matrixB */
for(i=0; i<Data_Counts[My_Rank]/size; i++)
for(j=0; j<size; j++)
for(k=0; k<size; k++)
matrixTempResult[size*i+j] += matrixTemp[i*size+k] * matrixB[k*size+j];
/* Gather matrixTempResult from all nodes to matrixC on source node */
MPI_Gatherv(matrixTempResult, Data_Counts[My_Rank], MPI_INTEGER, matrixC, Data_Counts, Data_Displs, MPI_INTEGER, Source, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

EndTime=MPI_Wtime(); // End time recorded

printf("Time: %f\n",EndTime-StartTime); // Print out th time used in the communication and computation

/* Free the memory allocations */

return 0;


Paul Peng DENG (Mr.)                                      Mobile: 04028?????
?????, ?????, Australia                    ????????@????????????

Master of Engineering in Distributed Computing, University of Melbourne, 2006 – present
Bachelor of Software Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University, 2002 - 2006

3rd Prize “Challenge Cup” National College Science and Technology Competition, China, 2005
ConocoPhillips (China) Scholarship, Southwest Petroleum University, 2004

Sensing Ubiquity Mobility (SUM) Lab Intern, University of Melbourne, 2007 – present

Wireless Sensor Networks; Human-Computer Interaction; Radio-frequency identification (RFID); High performance cluster and Grid computing; Web application

Wireless Sensor Network Environmental Monitor: Use WSN to monitor temperature, light changes in physical world. (Sun Small Programmable Object Technology) SUM Research Lab, 2007
Sun SPOT Mouse: Use 3D accelerometer chip in sensor to get human gesture data and emulates mouse actions. SUM Research Lab, 2007
FeedEx RSS Reader: A speech enabled C# RSS Reader. It works like a radio which only speaks news contains keywords defined by you and it also can compress news contents to MP3 files. 2006
Digital Pen: A small pen like device that can record all vector movements while people writing or drawing on any surface and translates recorded data to text or vector image. 2005

Language: Chinese (Native speaker), English
SRA and Documentation: UML, Visio, Rational Rose, LaTex, MS Office, Adobe Acorbat
Implementation: Java, C#, SQL, PHP, Python, C; J2ME, .Net, J2EE, LAMP, MPI, OpenMP; HTML, Ajax, Swing, SWT, WPF; Network Socket, CORBA, RPC, RMI, Web Service, REST; ADO.Net, JDBC, ODBC, ADO; XML, MS SQL 2005/2000, MS Access, Mysql, Oracle 10g, PostgreSQL; Apache Tomcat, Apache Axis, IIS; Windows Server System, Linux/Unix; CVS, SVN
Testing: Mercury WinRunner, Apache JMeter
Build and Installation: Apache Ant, InstallSheild, Nullsoft Scriptable Install System

Lecturer, Introduction to SPOT, Mobile Computing Systems Programming, 8 Aug. 2007
Grid Demo Volunteer, Open Day 2006 at University of Melbourne, 26 Aug. 2006
Founder of Student Photographers’ Task Group, Southwest Petroleum University, 2003-2006
Organizer, Microsoft (China) Presentations in University, Southwest Petroleum University, 2004